Reaccreditation: Hamilton County gets Seal of Approval

I am proud to say Hamilton County JFS has been re-accredited by a national organization that reviews and bechmarks programs based on best practices! The Council on Accrediation’s exhaustive review found the agency in compliance in ALL practice areas.

The COA reaccreditation process involves a detailed review and analysis of both an organization’s administrative operations and its service delivery practices. All are “measured” against national standards of best practice. These standards emphasize services that are accessible, appropriate, culturally responsive, evidence based, and outcomes-oriented, In addition, they confirm that the services are provided by a skilled and supported workforce and that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.

The reviewers were impressed with many things, including our open communication with staff about budget issues, our process to provide a safe environment for staff and consumers, our robust online information for staff and the public, and our collaborative projects with community partners.

They also gave us high marks for staff knowledge of, and adherence to protocol on, the rights of Children’s Services and Adult Protective Services clients. And, they spoke highly of the speed and agility of our 241-KIDS staff’s performance.

This is a seal of approval that should give all residents of Hamilton County confidence in the agency’s high performance standards and commitment to deliver the very best quality services.

by Jim Tinker

Filed Under: Communication

Tagged: adult protective services, child abuse, Child Welfare, council on accreditation, hamilton county department of job and family services, moira weir