Webinar Tomorrow: Choose Your Partner Carefully

Our agency is hosting a webinar tomorrow for Hamilton County’s single parents and those who support them. The webinar will discuss the warning signs of an abusive partner who could hurt your child.

This is a continuation of an effort we started early this year to educate single mothers and others about choosing safe partners to care for their children. We have high rates of abuse deaths at the hands of mom’s partner, the non-biological caretaker of the child — higher than national and state rates. In the past few years, we have had several high-profile cases where children died after they were left in the care of mom’s boyfriend.

If you are interested in learning more, here is a link for more information. Sign up today! https://www.hcjfs.org/TodayatHCJFS/2010/11/Webinars1011009.htm

by Jim Tinker

Filed Under: Communication

Tagged: child abuse, choose your partner carefully, hamilton county department of job and family services, moira weir