HCJFS data program gains national attention

A system HCJFS helped build to improve access to health records for kids in foster care is being talked about around the country.

The project, a confidential data-sharing program between children’s services and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center called IDENTITY, has grown from just an idea in 2015 to an example of good work highlighted in January at the annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research.

Kristine Flinchum , a Children’s Services business analyst in Information Systems, has put in countless hours as HCJFS’ representative on this team. She helped present it at the conference in San Francisco. She’s happy that after years of work, IDENTITY is working and helping.

The goals of IDENTITY are to improve health outcomes for kids in foster care, save time and money and minimize placement issues by allowing information sharing between child welfare workers and the hospital.

Sometimes, critical health information is not known to HCJFS workers or placement providers and it can take months to find that information. Delays like that can cause missed appointments and other issues that result in less than the best health care for our kids. Imagine being a foster parent and not having any idea what health needs you need to provide for the child just placed in your home.

Future plans include incorporating Montgomery County Children’s Services and Dayton Children’s Hospital.

by Ashley Woods

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Tagged: abuse, adoption, Child Welfare, Children's Services, foster child, foster parents, hamilton county department of job and family services, hamilton county job and family services, job and family services, moira weir