Many people don’t know that JFS runs not only a child abuse hotline, but also one for reports of elder abuse. Our 421-LIFE hotline averages 285 calls a month. Those calls result in about 70 open investigations.
That’s a lot of work our Adult Protective Services workers are doing to take care of older Hamilton County residents. I want to let them know I appreciate them.
I also am grateful for the relationships and collaboration our Adult Protective Services team has built with the Hamilton County prosecutor’s office as well as with the many service providers that work in this arena, including Council on Aging, Meals on Wheels, Pro Seniors, Veterans Administration and many more.
It’s estimated that as many as 1 in 10 seniors become victims of elder abuse. Nearly 3 million adults in Ohio are 60 or older.
June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Please help us bring awareness to this important issue.