Public hearing on agency’s Title XX plan

Hamilton County Job and Family Services will hold a public hearing on the agency’s Title XX plan on March 29. 

Title XX is a flexible federal funding source. HCJFS receives through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services through an annual allocation. The money is used in the operation of social services programs.

The state department requires each county agency complete this plan on a biennial basis. (FFY 2020 / FFY2021). The state also requires that a hearing on the plan be held during a County Family Services Planning Committee meeting. The hearing will be held during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Hamilton County Job and Family Services Planning Committee, at 10 a.m. on March 29 at 222 E. Central Parkway, Cincinnati, 45202, Room 6SE701 

The purpose of this hearing today is to obtain any public comment on the proposed plan.

by Jane Prendergast

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Tagged: child abuse, Child Support, Children's Services, food assistance, food stamps, hamilton county department of job and family services, hamilton county job and family services, hamilton county job and family services planning committee, medicaid, public assistance, title xx