Hamilton County Job and Family Services
HCJFS Update

July 2013

In This Issue

Director's Letter: Growing Up and Growing Out of Foster Care

Kiosk Installed in HCJFS Lobby 

Ieisha Kennedy Lands Two Jobs with Help from SuperJobs

Cash and Food Assistance Cards Update

HCJFS Honors 48 Graduates

Child Support Awareness Month

Adopt Siblings Kameron and Kamyah

These helpful and responsible twins have their own unique interests, but they both like sports and video games. More...

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Adopt Siblings Kameron and Kamyah

These helpful and responsible twins have their own unique interests, but they both like sports and video games. Kameron and Kamyah enjoy and do well in school and they like to read fun and adventurous books. They also enjoy playing outside during their free time and they love to laugh.

Kameron and Kamyah are looking for a caring and supportive family. They need understanding as they cope with separation. They also need a family to support them and give them structure and guidance as they grow and mature.

Kameron is a friendly, helpful and responsible boy who has been working really hard in school. He listens to rap music and plays outside on his days off from school. Kameron’s favorite subject is gym because he likes to play basketball, but he also enjoys reading books, especially the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Kameron works hard to keep his room neat and his favorite colors are blue, black and orange.

Kamyah has big dreams for when she grows up. She wants to be a teacher and travel to the beaches of Hawaii. Like her twin brother, Kamyah reads the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and it is also her favorite movie. She is proud of how well she does in school, as well as the time she rode her bike in a race with her brother. She describes herself as sweet, courteous, intelligent, and eager to learn, especially about her favorite subject: math.

About Hamilton County Job and Family Services

Hamilton County currently has about 190 children available for adoption. The county's Children's Services Division often must take custody of children who are the victims of abuse or neglect and cannot be safely reunited with their families. Those interested in adopting can learn more at www.hckids.org or by calling (513) 632-6366 or emailing adoption@jfs.hamilton-co.org Also follow Hamilton County JFS Foster Care and Adoption recruitment on Facebook at www.facebook.com/hcadopt!


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