Foster Youth Rights
Under Ohio law (Ohio Administrative Code 5101:2-5-35) Foster Youth have the right to:
- Enjoy freedom of thought, conscience and religion, or to abstain from the practice of religion. Reasonable enjoyment of privacy.
- Have his or her opinions be heard and included, to the greatest extent possible, when any decisions are being made affecting his or her life.
- Receive appropriate and reasonable adult guidance, support and supervision. Be free from physical abuse and inhumane treatment.
- Be protected from all forms of sexual exploitation. Receive adequate and appropriate medical care.
- Receive adequate and appropriate food, clothing and housing.
- His or her own money and personal property in accordance with his or her service or case plan.
- Live in clean, safe surroundings.
- Participate in an appropriate educational program.
- Communicate with family, friends and significant others whom he or she is living apart from, in accordance with his or her service or case plan.
- Be taught to fulfill appropriate responsibilities to him- or herself and to others.
Each youth age 14 and older will receive a Foster Youth Rights Handbook. The youth should be given the opportunity to ask questions about the handbook during the caseworker’s visit. The signature page of the handbook is to be attached to the case plan to verify the youth’s receipt and review of the handbook.