Children Services Records Request Process for Clients

Records of investigations, services provided to families, children, and foster homes are confidential pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 2151.421, and section 5153.17.  Hamilton County Job and Family Services may only release confidential records information as outlined in the Ohio Administrative Code 5101:2-33-21. and when required in legal proceedings.

Children Services records do not constitute “public records” and are not subject to the Ohio Public Records Act, which provides for prompt inspection of public records and requires that copies of existing public records be provided in a reasonable time period. Records of child abuse or neglect investigations under R.C. 2151.421 and R.C. 5153.17 are “records the release of which is prohibited by state law” under R.C. 149.43(A)(I)(v).

Please note:

  • Hamilton County Job and Family Services may be able to provide you a summary of your children services history and/or your children’s history in Hamilton County, Ohio.
  • Hamilton County Job and Family Services does not provide hard copy or electronic records unless authorized by an exception in Ohio Administrative Code section 5101:2-33-21.
  • If you would like information regarding your children’s services history in the state of Ohio , please call 614-752-1298 or email to get additional information and guidance.


Process for Obtaining Records:

To make a records request:


  • Provide copies of two forms of current identification with your request (we require identification that includes a photo and social security number).


  • Examples of copies of documents which can be submitted:


    • Driver’s License, State Identification Card, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Passport and/or Travel Visa


    • Please note: A notarized statement containing your full name, address, date of birth and social security number can be submitted if you don’t have two forms of identification.


***Records requests cannot be processed until all required documentation is submitted. It may take up to 30 days for your request to be processed due to the volume of requests that are received.



Hamilton County Job and Family Services
Attention: Records Custodian
222 East Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45202