Economic Sustainability.
Just two words. But two words that mean a lot.
We’ve chosen Economic Sustainability as the new name for our former client services department, which includes Family and Adult Assistance, OhioMeansJobs, Workforce Development, Child Care and other programs. We feel it better reflects the values of Hamilton County Job and Family Services and more accurately describes our county budget priorities.
The pandemic delivered dramatic changes to public policy, the labor market, service demands, funding and the broader economy. We are working – in large and small ways – to adapt to all of these changes.
Economic Sustainability is a new lens, a new way to think about the services we provide. It means we will use best practices that support long-term economic growth.
Under this new umbrella and name, we will:
- Add an Office of Youth Services to pull together current and future youth initiatives. We want to better package all we offer our younger clients.
- Dedicate staff to Benefit Bridge, which matches clients with a collaborative team to help them succeed, sustain and become independent. We’re one of six counties in Ohio to be awarded $16.5 million to pilot this new effort, which includes longer-term support for recipients.
All of this is aimed at protecting Hamilton County’s vulnerable populations, helping families thrive, integrating equity and inclusion into operations and investing in the workforce to help drive Economic Sustainability.