As busy as we all are these days, it can be difficult to find time to sit back and take stock of our accomplishments. That’s why I like annual report time – looking back at the previous year, we are reminded just how much work we’ve done and how many people we’ve helped.
With $2.79 billion in revenue from federal, state and county dollars, we were able to do so much good work in 2021:
- We collected more than $124 million in child support to help custodial parents raise their kids.
- We paid out $91 million to help struggling families pay for child care.
- We helped an average of almost 115,000 recipients every month with SNAP food assistance and more than 236,000 each month with Medicaid.
- More than 17,000 people benefitted from our Workforce Development programs, from transportation to comprehensive case management.
Caseworkers in Children’s Services worked with 8,422 families. Intake specialists at our 241-KIDS hotline took almost 51,000 calls from people reporting allegations of abuse or neglect. Adult Protective Services investigators took on 706 cases, helping elderly people who were victims of neglect and financial exploitation.
Our motto is Supporting Families and Changing Lives. I’m happy to be able to show just how much we’re doing of both.