Hamilton County Job and Family Services administers state, federal and local programs designed to help those in need and help families work toward self sufficiency.

The department is one of the few quadruple-combined, public human service agencies in Ohio – providing public assistance, children’s services, child support and workforce development programs to the community.

Among the department’s many duties: local child protection, adult protection, child care, child support enforcement, workforce development, cash assistance, food assistance and medical assistance.

National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP) is an energetic instrument of compassion and change in the lives of children, youth, and families and the systems, structures and practices that affect them. NYAP is universally recognized as the premier provider known for trailblazing creative and effective community based solutions. We are a provider of outpatient mental health services including therapy, psychiatry and nursing services as well as case management and supportive services. We also are a provider of Nurturing Parent classes and coming in June of 2019, Nurturing Father Classes. We can be contacted at 513 772-6166 for more information or to make a referral or at kdenzler@nyap.org

Fatherhood Fundamentals understands the difficulties associated with being a father today. Trying to maintain a healthy and productive work-life balance can be extremely challenging. We want you to know we are here to help!
There are times when fathers need more effective shared parenting strategies, access to better community resources, help finding better employment or to just be more involved in the conversation when going to doctor’s appointments.
Fatherhood Fundamentals focuses on your specific needs and concerns so you can focus on just being a dad during pregnancy and after the birth of your baby.

Soup Cycle bought and received delicious soups from local chefs, and now makes its own soup using discounted produce from grocery stores. By presenting free, healthy and appetizing food to people in public places, we can reach people not participating in food programs. 

We engage children’s critical faculties as “taste­-testers” at community centers, in parks and on streets. Our soups aim to offer kids delicious introductions to ingredients they may not have tasted before. Soup Cycle challenges children to make their own informed eating decisions. 

We have been sharing soups and other meals in Avondale, Walnut Hills, Cheviot, Price Hill and downtown Cincinnati, and are glad to visit any and all neighborhoods. As we pedal around, we’re grateful to join conversations among neighbors about the health choices facing us all.


4C for Children was founded in 1972 by a coalition of agencies and funders with the purpose of coordinating, planning and advocating for quality child care for working families. Early work included planning studies, training and technical assistance. In the 1980s a strong focus was added—to assist parents in finding and choosing child care and to increase the supply of quality care. Subsequently, 4C has built its services to families along with concentration on improving the quality of early learning and care for all children.