Hamilton County Job & Family Services (HCJFS) Workforce Development section administers a variety of programs and services to help county residents obtain self-sufficiency by joining the workforce and moving up the economic ladder:

  • Community Link is a consortium of private agencies that partners with HCJFS to help those receiving cash assistance become economically independent by providing barrier removal, job readiness skills and/or training.
  • Benefit Bridge helps families that experience a reduction or loss of benefits due to wage increases continue their path to self-sufficiency through development of career skills and financial literacy.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAPET) assists Able Bodied Adults without Dependents with skill enhancement that includes, work readiness, job readiness and training services to assist them in finding employment for required participants.
  • Learning, Earning, and Parenting Program (LEAP) encourages teenagers receiving TANF/OWF to complete secondary education or GED.
  • OWF Hardship assists individuals that have exhausted 36 months of cash benefits that experience economic hardship due to circumstances beyond their control.


Office of Youth

  • Comprehensive Case Management Employment Program (CCMEP) is a dynamic, year-round program for Hamilton County residents ages 14 to 24 who have incomes within 200 percent of the federal poverty level. CCMEP services include case management, referrals, and barrier removal in order to move clients forward on an education or career pathway.
  • WIOA Youth Programs – provide 14 – 24-year-old in-school and out-of-school youth with resources to help them gain the required job readiness, educational attainment, and job knowledge for transitioning into the workplace.
  • Hamilton County Youth Employment Program (YEP) provides jobs and year-round job readiness training for Hamilton County residents ages 14 – 21. We want to help young people in Hamilton County find work, explore careers and remove barriers to create a clear path to more education or a career.

Link:  https://www.hcjfs.org/initiatives/office-of-youth/



  • OhioMeansJobs offers tools and resources that help job-seekers and employers find a job or employees in Hamilton County.